You know that you have 7 fundamental rights but what you don’t know is another right to be rich yes you have the right to be rich, you have the right to be comfortable and enjoy the luxuries. The thin line between the riches and rages is the mentality of being rich. Rages lack the mentality of rich people so you just have to crack the mentality of how rich people think and what is their mentality about money in their life. This book is exactly going to show you the same that how rich thinks.
Why the majority is poor?
This question arises to every kid nowadays so let's kill the doubts about this. This is because of the lack of exposure if someone is surrounded with people with weak wealth status they will teach his what they know about money which they have inherited with their parents or their surrounding. Today we have internet all the questions can get answered here within a fraction of seconds and the mentality of rich people can get inherited very easily.
Just some right guidance is needed and one can get rages to riches. The whole conclusion to this is to get a healthy environment where people around you are having the rich mentality.
What makes the rich richer?
Rich people have learned and never giving up spirit which helps them make more money every time even if the are sleeping. Making money while you are sleeping!!
Isn’t it amazing that you can make money while you sleep this introduce to two new terms Active income and Passive income we will be discussing these in depth ahead in the book which will help you make more money with your job as well? Rich people always have friends who are also successful and rich as well which makes them always learn about new business strategies and gain more knowledge. You also have to do the same so that you can generate a mentality of riches and make sure to develop a never giving up spirit this will surely help you in the long term.
We have to believe us this belief gives the fuel to the fire and makes the tasks easier to complete.
Belief system!
This is a brief introduction of the belief system this will be touched later in the book. A belief system can make a person and can break a person. It can make you strongly mental or mentally strong. This is it’s the power you just have to believe that you can do anything you can think of.
The belief in you will make you successful. It is always said that “Fake it till you make it” do you know the real meaning of this it’s the inner you which you have to imagine that you have achieved what you dreamed of.
  1. Now it’s your turn. Take your journal out and write the word MONEY in big letters across the top. Write down the words that jump into your mind about money. Don’t censor yourself. Allow yourself to jot down whatever words, phrases, or images that come to your mind, without judgment. There are no right or wrong words, just your truth. Give yourself time and space to let your thoughts flow. Some of it might be scary or ugly—just let it flow.
  1. Next, reflect on each word you wrote down. Ask yourself: Is this how I truly feel about money itself? Or is it about the lack of money? I want you to notice how each word makes you feel. If the word makes you feel tense and constricted, write “ugghh” next to it. If the word makes you feel open and expansive, write “ahhhh” next to it.
  1. Now tally up how many “ugghhs” you have compared to “ahhhhs.” Don’t be hard on yourself if your list of words is all negative. Facing your deep-seated beliefs with honesty and compassion requires a sincere effort and is the key to developing an abundance mentality. Take pride that you are doing it. You are unveiling the underlying mindset that impacts your financial well being.
  1. The good news is that now you are starting to identify your fears so you can master them. By reading this article and going through these exercises, you are taking a stand that you will no longer live in fear and confusion. You are ready to move forward and take action to align with your best self and your inherent abundance mentality. Celebrate this moment!
  1. If most of your words give you a sense of relaxation and happiness, celebrate this wonderful blessing—you already have an abundance mentality about money. You can move forward with gratitude and are ready to interact with money in a way that reflects your core values and manifest wealth.   
Now lets take a look to the Abundance loop of scarcity
Now take a look of Abundance loop of gratitude
Self-Limiting Belief #1: I Don’t Have Enough Money
This is an offshoot of the fear of not having enough of anything. This fear can easily become the thought I have to have it now, which is endemic to the Scarcity Loop, making you feel incomplete without the object of temptation. Let me show you how this looks in the Scarcity Loop.The obvious way to break this cycle is to stop shopping or spending money on things you don’t need. But for most people, restraining oneself from spending feels like punishment or deprivation and is counterproductive to developing an abundance mentality. Even if you cut up your credit card, you can’t change your habits until you are willing to change the belief you have about the situation.
Abundance Mentality Thinking for Belief #1: I Am Thankful for My Paychecks
This loop represents a balanced approach to achieving financial security, and it starts with embracing the wealth you already have. No matter how little you feel you have today, if you have the means to purchase and read this, you have more than you think. To help you with this, I invite you to visualize an image with me. Take a moment to clear your mind and relax. Take a couple of slow, deep breaths. Now I want you to imagine that the company you work for has shut down and you are out of a job. Imagine that every dollar you have in the bank is now gone; and you lost your home, your car, and all your belongings. Then imagine that you lost your partner, your family, your friends, and your pets; and you also had to move from your community. And just for the sake of this exercise, let’s keep going and imagine that you have also lost your health, your limbs, your sight, your hearing, your speech, and your ability to read, write, smell, and taste.
How do you feel? How hard would you work to try to get back everything you had lost? Now, shake your head and clear your mind of these tragic thoughts of loss and despair. You haven’t lost all these things, maybe a few, but still you have an abundance of things to be thankful for, right at your fingertips. Can you believe the abundance you have right now?
Golden Statement-Belief can make you what you wanted to be what you perceive to be
How to Build Abundance?
Abundance can be achieved through your mentality of being abundant with everything you want in your life.
Abundance isn’t about how badly you want the things but it is about your mentality of being abundant every time in your life. The flow of money should be there.
Repeat this statement several times a day-
I like the money. I love it. I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. Money flows to me in abundance. I use it for good only and I am grateful for my riches of wealth and mind.

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